Laboratories and Research Center
The Graduate Degree Program in Forest Sciences is part of the Irati Campus and linked to the Department of Forestry Engineering, with important infrastructure to support teaching, research and extension activities in undergraduate and graduate courses. The Program makes use of several laboratories installed in the Forest Engineering Department, in addition to the existing infrastructure in other Graduate Programs of the institution. The laboratories current infrastructure are listed below with the main equipment available.
1. Laboratories
Genetics and Forest Improvement: Ultra-freezer, autoclave, thermocycler, tub for electrophoresis and binocular loupes with image capturing system.
Microscopy: This is a multi-user lab containing optical light microscopes; permanent blades of forest species; optical light microscope equipped with image capturing and transmission system for coupled video monitor.
Soils, Plant Fertility and Nutrition: it contains the following equipment: chns-o elemental analyzer; uv-vis spectrophotometer; spectrophotometer; flame photometer; digital burettes; refrigerators; exhaust hood; precision electronic balances; reverse osmosis; hot plate with magnetic stirrer; shaker table; sterilization and drying ovens; muffle; wiley mill; refrigerated centrifuge; lyophilizer and soil samplers; and glassworks in general. The soil laboratory is linked to cela (state commission of agronomic analysis laboratories), which assesses and certifies the quality of routine chemical analyses of soils.
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Silviculture: It contains a lot of different equipment: chamber for seed storage; semi-automatic horizontal autoclave; germinating chambers; microscopes; laminar flow chambers; drying greenhouses; precision analytical balances; water purifier in reverse osmosis system; water bath; magnetic stirrer without heating system, etc. it is the responsibility of the silviculture laboratory and the forest nursery, where several studies are conducted and contains the following items: unheated greenhouse; greenhouse, metal structure and covered by polypropylene plastic and non-suspended beds, with an air-conditioning system controlled by front antechamber and automated irrigation and acclimatization infrastructure in the shade and sunshine rustification.
Urban Silviculture: It contains a portable photosynthesis meter (ADC Lci), professional photographic camera, refrigerator, etc.
Environmental Geotechnology: Features mirror stereoscopes; Total station; electronic theodolites; electronic tricks; DGPS receptor; compasses; clinometers; equipment and various accessories and software (ArcGis, ENVI, TrackMaker, etc).
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood: It contains a universal machine for physical and mechanical wood tests; microcomputer with data acquisition board and tesc software; heating plate; narrow band saw; sander; digital calipers; clock comparator; electric wood moisture meter; climatization chamber; tank for dimensional stability testing of wood and wood products; stove without air circulation; mill.
Wood Panels: It contains a hydraulic press for panel production; drum mixer adhesive; forming boxes; drying greenhouses with air circulation.
Wood Chemistry: It contains a calorimetric pump; drying stove without air circulation; drying oven with air circulation; soxhlet extractors; exhaust hood and glassware in general.
Forest management: It has a bitterlich mirror relascope (wide and narrow band); Criterion RD 1000 electronic relascope; GPS Map 76CSx; Sutures (40, 50, 65 and 80 cm); uta lasesr; Vertex IV hypsometers; vertex laser hypsometer; hypsometers blume leiss; suunto hypsometer; (30, 40 and 50 cm); with motor; trupulse; Laser beam; bitterlich diameter display; telescopic stick; Diaphragm tapes; fiberglass tape; pearl thickness meters; 3T digital balance; binoculars; Electronic dendrometer; analog dendrometer; electronic clinometers; stove for sterilization and drying; refrigerator; BOD; microom computers; and a modern system for dendrochronological studies (LINTAB II and specific software).
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Ergonomics, Harvesting and Forest Transport: It has chainsaws; pruning saw, dynamometer; stopwatches; video camera; tachometer; hypsometer; GPS; pnetrographs (digital and manual); soil sampler; Multimedia projectors, etc. In addition, the laboratory houses the Forest Operators Training Center (CENFOR), a prominent and recognized project in the country and abroad, which has 12 software licenses for portable virtual reality simulators mounted on microcomputers and 2 software licenses installed in Microcomputers and flat-panel televisions and in forest machine chairs, and all have joysticks. In relation to the laboratory of Ergonomics, it has several equipment: human body vibration meter; Portable vibration meter; gas meter; Heart rate monitors; Luxmeter; Decibelmeters; Dosimeters; anemometer; Stopwatches; Balance and anthropometric chair.
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Economy: This laboratory supports the activities of the Program, it has basic microcomputers; Calculators and a bibliographic collection.
Dendrology and Plant Ecophysiology: It has several equipment such as drying greenhouses with forced air circulation; electronic scales; refrigerators; Stereoscopes and computers. A herbarium is also part of this laboratory that offers important support to the research developed in the Program, counting on more than 5,856 identified specimens, registered and in process of computerization with the Brahms software. Currently, the collection has 8,000 samples through an exchange with other herbaria in the country.
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Forest Pathology: It has spectrophotometers; laminar flow chambers; microscopes; stereoscopic binocular loupes; sterilization oven and dryer; BOD Incubator ; analytical balances; PH meter; Water bath; Compressor and airbrush for inoculation; centrifugal for eppendorfs; magnetic stirrer with heating system; refrigerators and general turners.
Forest Entomology: It has microcomputers; stereoscopic binocular loupes and microscopes, as well as an entomological collection of more than 10,000 specimens of insects. In addition, it has basic equipment for studying forest fires such as dampers and a Flamethrower, among others.
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Sanitation and Water Quality: This laboratory is linked to the Department of environmental engineering and has supported the program of several research studies in the line of “effluent treatment” of pulp and paper industry. it has magnetic stirrers; analytical balances; water bath; kegs for water storage; electronic digital burettes; exhaust hood; analog heating plate; air compressor; distiller for determination of nitrogen 6 tests; COD digester; autoclavable automatic dispensers; electrodes, fluoride and nitrate selective ions; spectrophotometer visible up to 340-900 nm; greenhouse; flotatest – dissolved air float; muffle furnace magnus; heating mantle; variable volume mechanical micropipettes; digital bench potentiometer; ultraviolet radiation reactor with 6 lamps; reverse osmosis system; turbidimeter; microfiltration and ultrafiltration pilot units; total nitrogen digester/still 6 proofs with glassware; laboratory anaerobic jugs; agilent chromatograph with analytical standards.
2. Advanced Multiuser Search Centers – BIO 3
The Program has a Biomass, Bioenergy and Bioecology Multiuser Research Center (BIO-3), located on Irati’s Campus. This is an Advanced Research Center approved by FINEP, with a total built area of 750 m² and several laboratories interconnected in the areas of Biotechnology, Forest Management, Biomass and Bioenergy. It is used to meet the strategic objectives of the Research Center, which is the Development of studies for the production and sustainable management of biomass, its genetic improvement and transformation by biotechnology processes, and for the production of renewable energy.
On the CEDETEG Campus, the Program also has the Multidisciplinary Center for Scientific and Technological Research (CIMPE), Center for Advanced Environmental, Bioenergetic and Biotechnological Research (AMBIOTEC) and the Center for Molecular and Nanotechnology Sciences (CCMN).