Program Administration Infrastructure:

The Graduate Degree Program in Forest Science (Master’s and Doctoral) has its own building, which currently and exclusively attends the Master’s and Doctoral Courses, with a total area of 2,368 ft². There is internet access through wireless connection for teachers, students and employees along with the following facilities:

  • Coordination room for the course and meetings of the academic committee, equipped with a microcomputer connected to the internet, printer and telephone line, meeting table and chairs.
  • Room that houses the secretariat of the course equipped with table, cabinets, chairs, microcomputer connected to the internet, two printers, and a telephone line. It’s also worth noting that the Program has a dedicated staff secretary of the university.
  • Two study rooms for students exclusively for the Program, equipped with furniture and individual cabinets, study table and chairs.
  • Two classrooms equipped with twenty individualized chairs and equipped with multimedia projectors, all for the exclusive use of the Program.

In addition, there are eighteen individual offices for all the teachers of the Forestry Department located next to their respective laboratories.

Other Structures:

The Graduate Degree Program also has use of other spaces within the Irati Campus:

  • Auditorium with 400 chairs equipped with big screen, multimedia projector and sound system.
  • Auditorium with 80 chairs equipped with a multimedia projector, sound system and video conferencing system.
  • University Restaurant serving 500 meals a day.
  • Seven computer labs, of which four are multiusers. All laboratories are properly furnished and equipped with a total of 150 computers.
  • All the University Campus buildings have wireless access to the internet.