Afonso Figueiredo Filho
- Qualification:
- Post doctorate degree, University of Georgia, USA, 1995.
- Forestry Engineer, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 1976;
- Master’s degree, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 1983;
- Doctorate degree, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 1991;
- E-mail: afonso.figueiredo@pq.cnpq.br
- Curriculum: Curriculum http://lattes.cnpq.br/4151544991447365
- Area of Expertise: Forest Mensuration; Management of Planted and Natural Forests; Growth and Yield Modeling.
- Productivity in Research Scholarship, CNPq holder, Level 1C
Andrea Nogueira Dias
- Qualification:
- Forestry Engineer, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, 1997;
- Master’s degree, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, 2000;
- Doctoral degree, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, 2005.
- E-mail: anogueiradias@hotmail.com
- Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9012244052533262
- Area of Expertise: Growth and Yield Modeling; Forest management; Forest Inventory; Forest Statistics and Experimentation.
Carlos Magno de Sousa Vidal
- Qualification:
- Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil, 1997;
- Master’s degree in Civil Engineering, University of São Paulo/School of Engineering of São Carlos, Brazil, 2001;
- PhD in Civil Engineering, University of São Paulo/School of Engineering of São Carlos, Brazil, 2006.
- E-mail: cmsvidal@irati.unicentro.br
- Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1554298849674091
- Area of Expertise: Wastewater treatment; Supply Water Treatment; Pulp and Paper Industries effluents treatment.
Eduardo da Silva Lopes
- Qualification:
- Forestry Engineer, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, 1992;
- Master’s degree, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, 1995;
- Doctoral degree, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, 2001.
- E-mail: eslopes@pq.cnpq.br
- Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1280835655867163
- Area of Expertise: Harvesting and Forest Transportation; Forest roads; Forest Ergonomics.
- CNPq Research Productivity Scholar, Level 2.
- Productivity in Research Scholarship holder of CNPq, Level 2.
Evandro Vagner Tambarussi
- Qualification:
- Forestry Engineer, São Paulo State University, Botucatu Campus, Brazil,2006;
- Master’s degree in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2010;
- PhD in Genetics and Plant Breeding, Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2014.
- E-mail: tambarussi@gmail.com
- Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3021997145272130
- Area of Expertise: Genetics and Forest Breeding.
Everton Hillig
- Qualification:
- Doctoral degree, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 2006.
- Forestry Engineer, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, 1986;
- Master’s degree, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, 2000;
- E-mail: hillig@hotmail.com
- Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5240619272740210
- Area of Expertise: Wood panels, composites, characterization and quality of wood, furniture production and wood residues.
- Productivity in Research Scholarship holder from the Araucária Foundation.
Henrique Soares Koehler
- Qualification:
- Forestry Engineer, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 1975;
- Master’s degree, Michigan State University, USA, 1979;
- Doctoral degree, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 2002.
- E-mail: koehler@ufpr.br
- Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6197351546393048
- Area of Expertise: Applied statistics; Forest Biomass Energy – Software Development; Forest management; Plant Science.
Julio Eduardo Arce
- Qualification:
- Forestry Engineer, La Plata University, Argentina, 1993;
- Master’s degree, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 1997;
- Doctoral degree, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 2000.
- E-mail: jarce@ufpr.br
- Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4034397326977747
- Area of Expertise: Forest Inventory; Forest management; Forest Planning; Simulation; Optimization and Operational Research.
- CNPq Productivity in Research Scholarship holder, Level 2.
Luciano Farinha Watzlawick
- Qualification:
- Forestry Engineer, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, 1996;
- Master’s degree, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 2000;
- Doctoral degree, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 2003.
- E-mail: farinha@unicentro.br
- Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4985215075940551
- Area of Expertise: Management of Natural Forests; Forest Biomass; Carbon Fixation; Remote sensing; Forest Experimentation.
- CNPq Productivity in Research Scholarship holder, Level 2.
Paulo Costa de Oliveira Filho
- Qualification:
- Forestry Engineer, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 1988;
- Master’s degree, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 1995;
- Doctoral degree, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 2000.
- E-mail: paulocostafh@gmail.com
- Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0477181220059240
- Area of Expertise: Remote sensing; Geographic Information Systems.
Rogério Bobrowski
Sebastião do Amaral Machado
- Qualification:
- Forestry Engineer, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 1965;
- Master’s degree, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture – OEA, Costa Rica, 1972;
- Doctoral degree, Washington University, USA, 1978.
- Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3669322041194714
- Area of Expertise: Forest management; Forest Measurement; Management of Planted and Natural Forests.
- CNPq Productivity in Research Scholarship holder, Level 1A.